Lithium-ion Batteries

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Every day, Australian consumers are being exposed to significant safety risks due to the lack of product testing and compliance of products that contain Lithium-ion batteries.  These batteries are found in numerous household appliances, trade tools, personal transportation devices such as e-scooters and hover boards, renewable energy storage systems, e-vehicles and personal rechargeable devices e.g. mobile phones, tablets and laptops.  The chemistry of the lithium-ion battery is more volatile than traditional batteries and instances of spontaneous failure and combustion with such intensity and modality, which cannot be extinguished pose a risk of injury loss of life and loss or dame to property.

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Lithium-ion Batteries – Issues Paper

In December 2022, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) launched a Lithium-ion Batteries Issues Paper as part of their Product Safety Priority Areas for 2022-2023.  Click on the link below to view the responses including the response from Comtest Laboratories.

Lithium-ion Batteries – Issues Paper – Australian Competition and Consumer Commission – Citizen Space (

Comtest’s Contribution to the ACCC Lithium-ion Batteries Issues Paper

Contact Us About Lithium Batteries